Thursday, August 16, 2012

Our Circle: Information Meeting

The ABCCM is proud to introduce a new program called Our Circle. Our Circle works with young parents between the ages of 16 and 24 who have custody of their children and who live at 200% of the Poverty Level or below. The goal is to help these young parents get the education and training they need in order to be more successful in life, without relying on public assistance.

We need volunteers to be Allies, or friends, to these young parents. Build community with them by providing childcare during meets or by providing meals for meetings. Come to the Ally Information Meeting, September 17, 6 PM, at 207 Coxe Avenue. Refreshments served, RSVP requested. Please RSVP by September 10 to  or by calling us at 828-259-5310. If you forget but want to come anyway, please do so!    
Young Parents interested in taking advantage of this new program, please contact us at 259-5310 to get the intake process started.

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