Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Profile: Mission in Malawi: Meet Dr. Barbara Nagy

The Nagy family
Nkhoma Hospital in Malawi

Dr. Barbara Nagy, of Morganton, NC, has been a mission specialist (internal medicine and pediatrics) of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) at Nkhoma Hospital in Malawi, Africa since 2004.  We at GCPC support her and the hospital along with ~40 other churches from the Presbytery of WNC (PWNC).  She writes fascinating newsletters about the mission at Nkhoma Hospital and life in general in the remote reaches of Malawi. Read this series of letters hereBarbara’s family includes three adopted daughters: Melia (18) and Anna (16), both born in China, and Happiness (7),  born in Malawi.
Barbara and her family have just returned to The States and will be living at Mission Haven in Decatur GA for two years, while she gets a Master in Public Health at Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University.  This will equip her for even better ministry on her return to Malawi.  In the meantime, Melia begins Rhodes College, Anna will be a sophomore at Decatur High School, and Happy happily starts the second grade.

Contact Ginnie Stevens to learn more about Barbara and Malawi (253-0159;   

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