Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Camp Grier Global Village Update

Global Village update—September  14 and 15th Volunteer Day at the village was great—thanks to Grace Covenant volunteers. The team spent much of weekend clearing understory vegetation and small trees to open the interior of village. Once the down material is sorted and removed from the village, the perimeter can be thinned from below.  The team located a better site for the composting latrine, staked the site for excavation and assembled the concrete form for the latrine foundation and composting chamber floor.
The next scheduled work date for the village is October 12 and 13th. To volunteer for the weekend or to schedule a separate weekend for your church contact Dave at If you would enjoy organizing a volunteer group to work at the village please notify Dave and he can work out a date and help define the group work.  A work check list should be available this coming week.

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