Thursday, September 20, 2012

Caring for Creation Meeting Sunday

We're having a first meeting for this school/church year of C4C after church this Sun. at noon up in the Senior High Room. We'll brainstorm about what we want to accomplish this year as well as talk about the Asheville Beyond Coal movement. (see attached poster). 
The National Sierra Club has decided that Asheville and WNC is ripe to begin to retire the Lake Julian Coal-fired Power Plant.  Sierra Club has sent 2 staff people to Asheville for six mos. to start this campaign.  They have had committments in Washington state to shut down their coal plants. Pretty amazing!  See the attached poster to explain the planned demonstration at lake Julian on Sun. afternoon 10/14.  We're organizing for kayaks and canoes with banners and lots of people in the park for this demonstration.  Sierra Club plans to make videos and photos here  to use nation-wide for this campaign.  i'm especially hoping for Youth to be in on the planning.  I have asked several youth to also come to meet with Jackelin, the young, dynamic Sierra Club staff person.  She'll meet with them in the Middle School room.  We welcome anyone to join us.  Forward this on if you think of someone who might be interested.
Call me if you are able to stay for an hour or so after church (I hope you can!).  I'll pick up burritos at Urban Burrito for $7 each. How's that for a bribe?!
Susan Presson

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