Hands and Feet of Asheville (HFA), which is a start-up nonprofit ministry, in partnership the session of Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, is delighted to report that the vision of engaging young adults in transformative mission to inspire a lifetime of caring appears is a call that ears are hearing!
- We have partnered with Manna FoodBank, Homeward Bound of Asheville, and the Irene Wortham Center to place 3-4 volunteers for a year of service.
- We have been very impressed by the incredibly gifted and well-qualified applicants who have expressed interest in an internship in our program. We are conducting interviews in the coming weeks.
- We have secured a communal house with 4 bedrooms for the volunteers during their year of service.
- We are grateful for the support that is coming from Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, the Episcopal Appalachian Ministry, All Souls Episcopal Cathedral, and First Congregational (UCC) Church of Asheville, with possible support also coming from Central Methodist Church.
- We have a website at which you can find further information: www.handsandfeetAVL.org . Come visit us!
Steering Committee of HFA: Jamie Beasley, Emily Ball, Kern Parker, Kathy Meacham, Buzz Durham, and Sarah Robinson, Founder and Director, Hands and Feet of Asheville
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