Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Guatemala Partnership 2012 Report

Compared to 2011, when GCPC hosted a visit from five members of the Jerusalem Church, 2012 has seemed quiet. We are grateful for continuing financial and moral support from GCPC. We hope more people will participate in 2013 activities.

News from Jerusalem Church:
--The congregation voted on calling a pastor, but the nominee lost by two votes. Interim pastor Samuel Mérida continues as interim pastor.
--Health promoters Edelmira de Galindo and Gerson Villagran met with parents and children, measured height and weight of children, and distributed vitamins, anti-parasite medicine, and folic acid.
--Health committee and partnership committee agreed to pilot home water-filter microloan program.

--Shared prayer concerns of Jerusalem Church with GCPC and vice versa; prayed for each other.
--Timothy Project (scholarships). By sending solicitation letters to previous donors, we raised $ 6,000, which will assist about 45 students.
--Attended Presbytery of Western North Carolina Guatemala partnership meetings.
--Helped Jerusalem Church purchase land for church buildings by matching their fundraising efforts. GCPC sent $ 2,000, which represents a little more than three monthly payments.
--Publicized PWNC-sponsored June trip to Guatemala.
--Placed five articles on the SERVE blog.
--Placed one article on GCPC Facebook page.
--Worked with Leah Webb to design poster highlighting partnership activities for GCPC Retreat.
--Sent letters and photos to Jerusalem Church with a delegation from Newton, NC.
--Encouraged Presbyterian Women to consider Mimi Michel's “Ideas for Strengthening the Relationships Among Women of Our Presbyteries”.
--Health Micro-loan program. The PWNC partnership health committee and its counterparts in Guatemala want to begin lending programs for health improvements. The program will be similar to scholarships in that local Guatemalan churches will be in charge of loan policies and administration of their own programs, which are to be self-sustaining after the initial donation of $550 from an anonymous donor. The GCPC Guatemala partnership committee did not contribute financially to the program, but we advised, translated documents, and communicated with Jerusalem Church to get the pilot program started. During the October/November trip of the PWNC partnership health committee to Guatemala, Buzz Durham was on hand to witness delivery of the first filters and a training session for new owners. (Note: Chris Hartbarger was scheduled to go with Buzz, but had to cancel due to family illness.)

Activities related to partnership concerns:
--Ginnie Stevens organized and carried out the Nickel-a-Meal program, which this year featured Guatemala.
--Lynne Meacham worked with Seth Farber to organize two immigration-related events: 1) two-part series presented by Ada Volkmer of Nuestro Centro, and 2) a film and discussion night.
--Buzz Durham and Lloyd Horton spearheaded construction of the Global Village and Training Center at Camp Grier, where “we learn and connect with our brothers and sisters around the world”. Guatemala partnership donated $250 from SERVE's Guatemala Partnership line item fund.

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