Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Green Congregations Activities

From Susan Presson, lead of Caring for Creation:

Hello all,
I've been going to many meetings and events about climate change.  All pretty exciting.  There's a new group called GREEN CONGREGATIONS that's got a lot of exciting things planned, and I want to let you know about them:
1. Mon. 3/5 7pm in the Co. Courthouse Progress Energy/Duke Energy is holding a rate-hike hearing, and we are hoping that many people will go to speak about how many people will suffer with higher rates while they make huge profits.  The new rate hike is for more coal-fired plants, natural gas plants (fracking), and non-renewable energy sources with little to no plans to work on efficiency and conservation and renewable energy.  Please go if you can.
2. Fri. 3/15 NC Council of Churches is sponsoring a conference about Food and Faith called "Come to the Table" in Sylva.  I understand that Buzz (of course!! and Anthony) have been involved in this.  Especially people working in the GCPC garden might be interested in attending this.
3. Sun. 4/21 at 6:30pm (the day before Earth Day -we'll celebrate this at GCPC on 6/2) there will be an ecumenical vigil for the Earth at Pritchard Park with music, prayers, laments, etc.
4. Thurs-Sat. 4/25-27 will be EARTH FIRST sponsored by First Baptist to weatherize lo-income houses to make  them  more energy efficient.  This hopefully, will be a giant community project to get many churches involved.  Serg went to the organizing meeting.  I hope that a number of our folks can be involved in this.
5.. Matthew Sleeth was an ER physician in Boston treating lots of asthma and other maladies that he realized were environmentally triggered.  He gave up medicine to work on Climate Change.  He comes at it from a very faith and evangelical perspective.  He's written SERVE GOD, SAVE THE PLANET and 24-SIX(about keeping the Sabbath) and will be coming to WNC in the fall.  Stay posted.
Lastly, I'd like to have a Caring for Creation meeting on Sun. after church on 3/17 to get us going again. Let me know if you are able to come to a C4C meeting on Sun. 3/17 11:45-12:45.

 --Susan Presson

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